Dirk-Uwe Bartsch: Ophthalmic Imaging How Ophthalmology Needs Physics and Engineering


Location: 258 Fitzpatrick Hall

Dirk-Uwe Bartsch
Associate Adjunct Professor UCSD Shiley Eye Institute
Co-director of the Jacobs Retina Center
Ophthalmology is one of the medical subspecialties with the largest need for image storage. There are a large number of imaging instruments, and unlike other fields of medicine, new imaging technology does not necessarily replace existing technology, instead it adds additional information. Bartsch will discuss the contribution of physics and engineering to the different retinal imaging technology and how engineering tools have helped to improve these devices. He will describe efforts to help ophthalmologists manage the large amount of information collected by ophthalmic imaging and outline future improvement opportunities for engineering in ophthalmic imaging. 

Questions? Please contact:

Thomas O’Sullivan

Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical Engineering

Email: tosullivan@nd.edu