Notre Dame Hosts 25th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education

Author: Rebecca Hicks

Beginning July 29, 2018, Notre Dame will host the 25th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE). BCCE is a national meeting designed for college chemistry faculty, graduate students, secondary school chemistry teachers, and middle and elementary school science teachers to share ideas and best practices for chemical education.

The conference General Chair is Steve Wietstock, Associate Teaching Professor at the University of Notre Dame, with Cathrine Reck, Teaching Professor at Indiana University, and Jim Parise, Associate Teaching Professor at the University of Notre Dame, serving as Co-Program Chairs. It will include over 1600 participants, 1300 oral and poster presentations, and 125 workshops, along with social and networking events. The BCCE has become the largest gathering of chemical educators in the world, and this year marks the 50th anniversary of the event.

For the first time at the BCCE, a K-8 day has been added on Monday, July 30, given the importance of getting students interested in STEM fields early in their education. The aim for this day is that it will promote networking among educators to develop new educational opportunities and resources for elementary and middle school students in chemistry.

The BCCE is sponsored by the American Chemical Society (ACS) Division of Chemical Education, the University of Notre Dame College of Science, Hayden-McNeil, ACS Exams, the Journal of Chemical Education, Chem Ed XChange, ACS Publications, the American Association of Chemistry Teachers, McGraw Hill Education, Andrews University, the Two-Year College Chemistry Consortium, and the Purdue University Department of Chemistry.

For more information, please visit

Originally published by Rebecca Hicks at on July 24, 2018.