Information Related to Incoming International Students with Visa/Travel Delays  

I am not able to obtain my visa. Can I defer my admission?

Students may request deferral from their program. Deferrals may be for one semester, two semesters, or 12 months. 

I am not able to obtain my visa. Can I participate online?

Some programs may offer the option of online participation. Students unable to obtain a visa should contact their program to determine if online participation is a viable option, or if a deferral should be considered.

I expect to receive my visa, but not in time for the start of the semester on August 10. Can I arrive later?

International students are expected to arrive in time for international student orientation on August 3. Graduate student orientation will start August 3. The first day of classes is August 10. All students registered for on campus courses must be registered, enrolled, and in attendance by August 17. Students may not transition from online to on campus participation after August 17. The transition must occur at the start of the next semester. 

How do I register for online participation?

Students should confer with their program to see if online participation is an option for them. If it is available, registration must be completed through InsideND per the normal process and timeline.

What is enrollment or ND Roll Call?

Enrollment is completed via the ND Roll Call process in InsideND. Enrollment is a required process which informs the University that a student will be attending in that term. It is separate from the course registration process. 

I registered for on campus courses, but now I don’t think I will be able to make it by the start of the semester. What should I do?

Students not able to be on campus for the start of the semester should consult with their program to determine if online participation is an option. Registration and enrollment must be completed via InsideND before August 17. No changes may be made after that date. 

I registered for online courses, but now I think I will be able to make it by the start of the semester. What should I do?

Students should register for the mode of participation they will use, and may make changes prior to August 17. Registration and enrollment must be completed via InsideND before August 17. No changes may be made after that date. 

If I receive my visa, can I travel to the US, but continue to participate online?

US immigration regulations establish the allowable arrival time. Students should carefully review their visa requirements before traveling. 

Will I still receive my tuition scholarship if I participate online?

International students who participate online will still be eligible for tuition scholarships already awarded.

Will I still receive my stipend if I participate online?

Eligibility for stipend support will be determined based on the role of the student. Students are not eligible for assistantships if they are not able to be on campus. Students who will not be in an assistantship role may be eligible for fellowship payments. Students should contact their program to determine their expected role for the fall semester. The default option is to provide the fall fellowship payment upon arrival to campus in the spring semester. In some cases, fellowship payments may be made in the fall semester. 

Where can I find information regarding the health and safety of returning graduate students during Covid-19?

For the most current Notre Dame information, please visit ND International.


Grad Accommodation Policy (forthcoming)

Academic Disruption

Where can I get help with financial hardship during this time?

Student Affairs and the Graduate School have financial resources available to support students. Please visit our emergency support page.

I am concerned about my progress to degree as a result of COVID-19 disruption. Who should I talk to?

Each graduate program is responsible for helping their students navigate their progress to degree. Reach out to your Director of Graduate Studies or your faculty mentor.

Academic Code Accommodations

I need to take an incomplete because I contracted the virus. What if I can’t complete the work in 30 days? 

Those disrupted by the virus will have 60 days to submit all required work.

I need to take a leave of absence, but I’ve already taken leave in the prior two semesters. Can I take a third leave of absence?

Students disrupted by the virus may request a leave of absence in three consecutive semesters. 

Can a medical separation be requested to care for a family member with the virus?

The Medical Separation policy has been adjusted to allow students a temporary separation in cases of their own medical conditions, or that of a spouse or dependent.

I was not able to take my candidacy exam before the end of the 8th semester. Will I be placed on academic probation?

Students whose research was disrupted by the pandemic may extend the deadline to pass their candidacy exam to the end of the 9th semester. 

I was not able to complete my PhD before the end of my 8th year. Will I have to forfeit my degree eligibility?

Students whose research was disrupted by the pandemic will have their degree eligibility extended to 9 years. Those with approved pandemic related extensions will not need to register for dissertation completion status in the 9th year. 

Grad School Fall Academic Calendar

What is the Fall 2020 Academic Calendar for graduate students?

Graduate School Academic Year Deadlines 

Professional Development Offerings Related to Working Through a Crisis

What professional development resources can I access to help me continue to develop skills to stay motivated and productive?

The Graduate School, along with partners from across campus, regularly develops new content to help students with the skills that are most relevant to the challenges that they face.  Earlier this summer, we offered the "Working through Crisis" series, covering topics including concentration and focus skills; staying productive while working remotely; emotional intelligence; the science of goal achievement; and how to utilize the ND network in career planning.

Beginning this summer and throughout the 2020-21 academic year, programming will include workshops on setting and maintaining COVID-19 teaching and learning protocols; financial wellness via budgets and health insurance; career planning and individual development plans; along with programming designed to help students cultivate personal wellness and develop effective self-advocacy skills and resilience. 

Up to date offerings and sign-up details may be found at the professional development events portal.

Teaching, Research, and Scholarship During Covid 

I have concerns about classroom management and interactions. Where can I learn more?

If you are interested in resources that will help you with course design or classroom management as an instructor or teaching assistant, you will find helpful information on the instructional continuity web page. For information about learning in the classroom from your perspective as a student, visit Learning continuity – Office of the Provost

I have a question about research and lab protocols. Where can I find more information?

Information can be found at ND Research Continuity.

How do I access the University’s library and learn more about its operations?

You can learn more at Hesburgh Library Operations.

Reporting Concerns and Further Questions

I have a concern about the way my department or lab is implementing the University’s safety protocols. What should I do?

When the Graduate School says You Matter, it isn't just a catchy tagline — the mental and physical well-being of our students and postdoctoral scholars is a top priority. Sometimes protecting that well-being means reaching out for help navigating an uncomfortable situation or speaking up to bring discrimination, harassment, or misconduct to light. To learn more or make a report, please visit the Graduate School's Ombudsman / Speak Up page.

Where can I access the University's letters about Covid-19?

You can find this information and more at

I still have a question. Where can I learn more, or who should I contact?

University-level policies and information can be found at To contact a member of the graduate school staff with additional concerns, email


Originally published by The Graduate School. Updates will be posted as information becomes available. at on July 30, 2020.